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About the communication

by Laura Lockwood
(Richland, WA USA)

I may easily be wrong but to me the daily ( at least my own) is not morning and night. That may indeed be changed. For me, the communication between God and I is throughout the day by way of the holy spirit. I have not made listening and being guided by the holy spirit a priority in my life. However recently I am starting to realize just how important that is. I must be able to recognize and be guided by the holy spirit because Jesus said the holy spirit will tell you what is to come. If I am to know what to do in the future I need to understand what I am being told. So if in the future there is something that will try and come between God and his people the only way that contact can remain uninterrupted is by means of the holy spirit speaking to us in a way we recognize and can understand.

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The Greek has multiple words for forgiveness? God forgives (charizomai) whether we ask or not. Receiving forgiveness (apheimi) is by our choice.
God always forgives!

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