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Bible Code PredictionsThe Best Way to Understand the Bible?Bible Code Predictions have been made popular by the book The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin (NY Times Bestseller). The author claims that there are words and messages hidden in God?s word which can be found by examining "Equidistant Letter Sequences" or ELS. It is not my place to try to support or disprove the popular Bible code or the many Bible code predictions. I like to have an open mind along with an appropriate amount of skepticism of new ideas. I have not read the book The Bible Code and cannot claim to be very familiar with its findings. I understand that its proponents claim to have found references to many well-known people and historical events and supposedly insights into future events. Thus, we have so-called Bible code predictions. I would say, even if they have, so what? Why look for hidden messages encrypted in such a way that no one could have found them until the last few years with computer technology? We have a hard enough time understanding the plain messages of God's word for us. Having said that, I will add that there are proper methods that can and should be used to help understand the truths of the Bible. But they are no where as complicated as having to use a computer to search for hidden Bible code predictions. Also, I'm sure the Bible itself doesn't tell us to count equidistant letter sequences ? correct me if I am wrong. Maybe I shouldn?t say that. Critics of The Bible Code say that almost any message you are looking for can be found so someone may have come up with that too! The BIBLE can also be understood to be an acronym: Notice: "Basic" as in simple, easy to understand - when using the right approach. We can become very preoccupied with trying to find some secret for the sake of perhaps impressing others. What we should be looking for first are the simple truths of salvation that we can use to take hold of eternal life and share that with others - it is called good, old-fashioned Bible study. What Methods Can Help Uncover Important Bible Truths?First, get a good Bible; better yet a few different translations. The King James Version is good because it is a standard, is used in so many studies and has many tools such as concordances that can be used with it. A modern translation can make reading easier because of the more up-to-date wording. The Amplified Version helps by expressing thoughts in multiple ways to amplify the meaning. Also, get a concordance and perhaps an Interlinear Version that shows the words in the original languages, the word-for-word translation and a modern, grammatically correct reading. Having access to a computer edition of the Bible is extremely valuable as you can easily search for words and phrases. The On-Line Bible is very useful for that or try E-sword where you can compare a single verse from several versions at once. Examine different but related verses on a topic. Compare spiritual things with each other: "Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual." (1 Cor 2:13) Pray for the Spirit of God to give you spiritual discernment or understanding. A person without an attitude of being willing to learn will have a hard time understanding: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Cor 2:13-14) Some of the most enjoyable and rewarding study will be to pursue those questions that especially interest you. As you do, more and more questions will come up. Keep asking questions. God even invites us to do that: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isa 1:18) Another important but often misunderstood rule of Bible study is given by this verse: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." (2 Pet 1:20) Some take this to mean that no one person can interpret a prophecy for himself and that the interpretation should be left to a member of the clergy. However, that clergyman is still a private person coming to his own conclusion as to the meaning. The Bible code prediction process would go further and say that you need a computer and complex analysis program to know what is coming in the future. A better understanding of this verse is that the Bible should be allowed to interpret itself. Many good examples of doing this are spelled out the my coming book In the Heart of the Earth - The Secret Code that Reveals What is in the Heart of God. What to StudyYou can study by book or chapter in an attempt to learn all you can from it. Perhaps even memorize a few key verses. Studying by topic is a very good way to understand many things in the Bible. If you look at many or all the verses on a particular topic and look for the consistent message you will understand many things better. You might be interested in the meaning of a particular word or phrase. This was my interest when I began studying the phrase "three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" from Matt 12:40. The end result of that investigation is a book to be published about March 2009. Studying all the relevant passages about a particular Bible character is a good means of study. Many of these people's lives contain symbols of something bigger than themselves. Prophecies can be very interesting study material especially in the uncertain days the world now faces. Some give us warnings of what is to come that we might be prepared to meet them. By using proper study techniques and allowing the Bible to interpret itself you will understand Bible Code Predictions based not on hidden letter sequences but on what the Bible itself plainly says.Encouragements to StudyDiligent study will meet with God's approval: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim 2:15) We can profit in many ways from proper study: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim 3:16-17) Knowing scripture can help us to be wise in the ways of salvation: "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Tim 3:15) This website is devoted to the task of simply, yet thoroughly explaining important Bible truths especially those that are little understood. The truth that it especially promotes is that presented in the forth-coming book In the Heart of the Earth - The Secret Code that Reveals What is in the Heart of God. Now there is something worth understanding. It includes, you could say, a Bible code prediction but not in the popular understanding of a Bible code prediction. Rather, it uses the Bible's own definitions of the terms it uses and an examination of original words to reach some amazing conclusions. Parts of that will be shared in pages of this website. The studies presented on this website are the result of my own personal study incorporating things I have learned from others. I encourage you to prayerfully read each one but PLEASE do not accept anything just because I have presented it here. Do your own study, check out each verse and see if the reasoning is sound. Each needs to agree with the Word of God, not with some church doctrine, with man's ideas or even, in the case of prophecy, someone's Bible Code predictions. If you want to understand any Bible truth or prophecy the place to look is not at popular Bible Code Predictions from complex computer searches but at the plain wording presented in God's word. May God bless your efforts to understand His word. |
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