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Corpus Christi: End of times

by V.V.M.M.
(Los Angeles, California)

The Bible clearly states when His coming gets closer, there will be rumors of wars, nature disasters, illnesses, sickness and many other things. This film, play or whatever you want to call it if it really exists or not is just another sign that our Lord Jesus is near to come for His bride. As true born Christians we were sent to preach the gospel to those that are sick and needy, who knows if in the future those actors will repent of their actions and come to know the true Lord and Saviour of our lives. God works wonders and miracles and this may be a way for this lost people to find their way to Jesus. The world is searching for that something to fill the emptiness they have in their lives: they try to fill it with drugs, sex, alcohol and many other illicit things but truly the only one to fill that emptiness is Jesus Christ. Please if you are a truly born Christian worry about your name being written in the book of life and of spreading the Gospel to all those that may die without accepting Jesus in their heart. Things like this should not startle us Christians but should be something to encourages us to stand and go and win one more soul for Jesus Christ. REMEMBER THAT WHATEVER PEOPLE DO THEY DO THAT AGAINST GOD AND THE HOLY SCRIPTURES SAY THAT WHAT YOU REAP THAT YOU WILL SOW BE IT GOOD OR BAD YOU WILL GET YOUR REWARD. God Bless everyone and keep praying for everyone to get saved before Jesus comes in glory for His bride and if you are reading this and don't understand what this means go to the Bible and ask God to reveal to you His wonders. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

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