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Global Food CrisisThere is a global food crisis coming according to the first news article I have included. This points out the need to pay attention to the advice of the second story - take up gardening. Then there are a couple of articles that are more health-related including something about CRKP, the latest antibiotic-resistant superbug. I do like to include some health material occassionally because our health is so important and affects our ability to understand God's Word - and He wants us to be healthy. The multitude of health problems can also be seen as another sign that this world is winding down. Then there is another article showing how close we are to an economic crisis which will bring us closer to a one-world system and eventual imposition of the mark of the beast. And finally, there a couple of items about the Middle East situation which is never too far from the headlines. Prophecy News - 2011 April
A Global Food Crisis is Looming
20 Signs That a Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming ![]() "In case you haven't noticed, the world is on the verge of a horrific global food crisis. At some point, this crisis will affect you and your family. It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but it is going to happen. Crazy weather and horrifying natural disasters have played havoc with agricultural production in many areas of the globe over the past couple of years. Meanwhile, the price of oil has begun to skyrocket. The entire global economy is predicated on the ability to use massive amounts of inexpensive oil to cheaply produce food and other goods and transport them over vast distances. Without cheap oil the whole game changes." Click here to read it allGarden As If Your Life Depended On It, Because It Does ![]() "Spring has sprung -- at least south of the northern tier of states where snow still has a ban on it -- and the grass has 'riz. And so has the price of most foods, which is particularly devastating just now when so many Americans are unemployed, underemployed . . . "In some American towns, and not just impoverished backwaters, as many as 30 percent of residents can't afford to feed themselves and their families sufficiently, let alone nutritiously. "In some cases this round of price hikes on everything from cereal and steak to fresh veggies and bread -- and even the flour that can usually be bought cheaply to make it -- will be temporary. But over the long term the systems that have provided most Americans with a diversity, quantity and quality of foods envied by the rest of the world are not going to be as reliable as they were. "What's for Supper Down the Road?" Click here to read it allMarkedly Higher Vitamin D Intake Needed to Reduce Cancer Risk, Researchers Say ![]() "Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha have reported that markedly higher intake of vitamin D is needed to reach blood levels that can prevent or markedly cut the incidence of breast cancer and several other major diseases than had been originally thought. "The findings are published February 21 in the journal Anticancer Research." Click here to read it allMy Note: People in the natural health field have been saying for years that we need more vitamin D. See my webpage on the benefits of Vitamin D FDA Refuses to Test Fish for Radioactivity . . . Government Pretends Radioactive Fish Is Safe ![]() "The FDA says it won't monitor radiation in fish on the West Coast of the U.S. As the Anchorage Daily News notes: "North Pacific fish are so unlikely to be contaminated by radioactive material from the crippled nuclear plant in Japan that there's no reason to test them, state and federal officials said this week. "DeLancey, the FDA spokeswoman, said 'We have not been doing any testing. We've been working with NOAA to keep an eye on U.S. waters, to see if there is any cause for alarm, and we do have the capability to begin testing if that does occur.' "DeLancey said that so far, there's no reason for concern about Fukushima. The radioactive materials in the water near Fukushima quickly become diluted in the massive volume of the Pacific, she said. Additionally, radioactive fallout that lands on the surface tends to stay there, giving the most unstable ones isotopes like iodine time to decay before reaching fish, she said. "Of course, radioactive isotopes like cesium 137 are very long-lived, and so won't necessarily decay before they reach fish." Click here to read it allAntibiotic Superbugs CRKP and MERSA: Who's at Risk? ![]() "Misuse of antibiotics has led to a global health threat: the rise of dangerous -- or even fatal -- superbugs. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is now attacking both patients in hospitals and also in the community and a deadly new multi-drug resistant bacteria called carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, or CRKP is now in the headlines. Last year, antibiotic resistant infections killed 25,000 people in Europe, the Guardian reports. "Unless steps are taken to address this crisis, the cures doctors have counted on to battle bacteria will soon be useless. CRKP has now been reported in 36 US states -- and health officials suspect that it may also be triggering infections in the other 14 states where reporting isn't required." Click here to read it allWorld Bank Says World "One Shock Away from a Full-blown Crisis." ![]() WASHINGTON, DC -- The president of the World Bank has warned that the world is 'one shock away from a full-blown crisis.' Robert Zoellick cited rising food prices as the main threat to poor nations who risk 'losing a generation.' He was speaking in Washington at the end of the spring meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund." Click here to read it allIran Squares off Against Saudi Arabia Over Bahrain's Annexation ![]() "The accord reached between Saudi King Abdullah and the Bahraini monarch Hamas bin Isa Al Khalifa for the oil island's virtual annexation by Riyadh has so incensed Tehran that armed Iranian-Saudi clashes with the potential for all-out warfare may soon become unavoidable, DEBKAfile's Iranian and Gulf sources estimate. Shiite-ruled Iraq would back Tehran in the first Shiite-Sunni collision to be sparked by the wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world -- in contrast to the domestic discord raging in Libya and Yemen. Saudi Arabia: Second Fukushima if Iranian Bushehr activated in May ![]() "Saudi and Kuwait officials have warned the US that if Iran activates its first nuclear reactor at Bushehr in May as planned, there is a good chance it will blow up and the entire Gulf region suffer a nuclear disaster on the scale of the misfortune at Japan's Fukushima and expose millions to radiation contamination. "This issue was urgently raised in recent Saudi-US talks -- first on April 4 with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and again Monday, April 11, with the National Security Adviser to the US President Tom Donilon. The two high-level US official visits to Riyadh in six days attest to the fierce discord between Saudi King Abdullah and the administration -- not just over Iran and its nuclear activity but the entire gamut of US Middle East policy." Summary "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28) If prophecy of the end of the world is of interest to you and you would like to receive this monthly newsletter containing articles of interest and relevance to prophetic events, please respond using the form below: |
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