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Not a Christian

by Lola
( Vancouver BC)

Is not the 10 commandments the foundation of what Yahweh expects of us? We have sinned consistently, Yeshua's sacrifice for our sins has a profoundly deep spiritual meaning beyond what our little brains can fully comprehend. Not a Christian but a believer in the teachings and message of Yeshua. When the last breath is taken there is no Jew, Christian,Moslem,Hindu,etc.

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Jan 07, 2020
Yes, a Christian
by: Ray

Hi Lola

If you are a believer in Yeshua; one who trusts in Him then you can be counted as a true Christian (one who trusts in Christ) and you're right the exact label is not important.

I would just describe the 10 commandments differently. They are not so much what God expects of us as they are what He promises to us. He promises to write His law on our hearts (He does it, not us) so that we will naturally want to love Him, love others etc. Recognizing our sinful condition is a good start.

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