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Our God is Love = a consuming fire....

by Sonflower

This is the most inspiring reading, a revelation of the truth of the eternal fire of the Spirit of YHWH, and the gift of love in Yahushua, given from our Heavenly Father, a fire which is sent as an example of purity and strength to us and to Him which we owe so much awe and worship as the outpouring of our praises of adoration and thanksgiving: for this is so much better than we deserve. I know for certain that I need not be afraid when I have gone thru the fires of affliction and have been humbled and I called upon His Name, and have repented and accepted His forgiveness and righteousness in my place, as His Spirit draws me away from love of this world and self.


Oprah Winfrey needs to read this.

Reply: Thank you for your thoughts. Yes, Oprah, and everyone else, needs to read and understand this message. Please help to spread it.

Isn't it amazing how the truth has been twisted? Our Father is described as a consuming fire. If we are going to live with Him for eternity, then we will be in the presence of that fire. Our exposure to that fire will purify our understanding of His character. Even now, as we study and understand the Word, we can begin to grasp the character of YHWH as revealed especially in the life of His Son. It is that revelation that will change us and help us to love Him and want to spend eternity with Him more than anything else.

The lost will be consumed in a different way in that Lake of Fire experience as they see their own wrong choices and resulting characters in contrast to what they might have had. What a terrible feeling they will have when they realize that they have thrown away eternal life. We don't want to make that mistake. Choose to love and follow Him and learn of Him every day.

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The Greek has multiple words for forgiveness? God forgives (charizomai) whether we ask or not. Receiving forgiveness (apheimi) is by our choice.
God always forgives!