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When Will the World End?Introduction Note that I am simply sharing items of interest. That does not imply that I agree with everything presented. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars ... nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes ..." (Matt 24:6-7) Prophecy News - 2012 December
When Will the World End?
Prophecy, Predictive Programming & the Overthrow of the Luciferian Elite ![]() "An important component in understanding current events can be found in understanding the prophecies in the Bible as they relate to modern history. These prophecies have a statistical record of being 100% accurate, which means they are statistically more accurate than computer analysis, remote viewing and predictive programming. "In predictive programming, science fiction movies, books and other media are used to subconsciously implant a belief system or expectation of what the future will be like. For example, in the movie, "The Hunger Games," the subconscious message was, if you want technological progress, you have to be willing to give up your freedoms and accept a totalitarian form of government. This message is being communicated in hundreds of films and television shows. The result is an attitude of compliance, acceptance and expectation that society should move this way." Click here to read it allWhen Will the World End? - not before the economy gets much worse, even if it does have a few good periods to come. 15 Signs That the Economy Is Rapidly Getting Worse as We Head into 2013 ![]() We are starting to see glimpses of how desperate people will become when our country is someday forced to live within its means. "According to numbers that were just released, the number of Americans on food stamps has risen to a new all-time record of 47.71 million. That is a huge increase of more than 600,000 over the previous reading of 47.10 million. "Youth unemployment in the U.S. is at a post-World War II high and large companies have announced the elimination of more than 100,000 jobs since Barack Obama won the election. "Consumer debt just hit a new record high and the federal government is accumulating debt at a much faster pace than it was at this time last year. So where is the evidence that the economy is getting better? The mainstream media says that the decline of the unemployment rate to "7.7 percent" is evidence that things are improving, but I showed how fraudulent that number is yesterday. "Our entire economy is a giant mirage. Our prosperity has been purchased by stealing from the future. A few people have been warning that we have completely destroyed our future in the process, but both major political parties just continue to do it and the mainstream media just continues to cheer them on. "At some point this con game will end and this economic mirage will disappear. When that happens, millions of people all over this country are going to become very angry and very desperate. "I hope that you have a plan for what you will do when that happens." Click here to read it allWhen Will the World End? - Not before there is even more means in place to contol buying and selling in order to enforce the coming Mark of the Beast. Texas Student Tracking Chip Suit Back in Court The family of a 15-year-old student fighting the use of tracking badges in her San Antonio high school is asking a federal court to keep her on campus. The Northside school district equipped 4,200 students this fall with mandatory ID badges containing tracking chips. Administrators say locating students via computers will improve safety and boost attendance records that are used to calculate how much state funding a district receives. Sophomore Andrea Hernandez has refused to wear the badge, and the district says she must transfer to another campus if she doesn't comply. A San Antonio federal court Monday is set to hear the family's request to stop the district until the lawsuit is settled. Northside ISD is the fourth-largest school district in Texas. When Will the World End? - Not before there is even more control over communications. The beast will want to know what you are up to - even what you are thinking. The UN Asks For Control Over the World's Internet ![]() Some nation-states and big-name businesses remain opposed to the proposal. "Members of the United Nation's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale. "At a conference in Dubai this week, the ITU members decided to adopt the Y.2770 standard for deep packet inspection, a top-secret proposal by way of China that will allow telecom companies across the world to more easily dig through data passed across the Web. "Blogger Arthur Herman writes this week for Fox News online that the goal of the delegates at the ITU 'is to grab control of the World Wide Web away from the United States, and hand it to a UN body of bureaucrats.' "'It'll be the biggest power grab in the UN's history, as well as a perversion of its power,' he warns." When Will the World End? - Not before major religion gets more involved in promoting its beliefs. Vatican Calls for the Establishment of World Government and a New World Order ![]() The Vatican sought 'a supranational authority' and 'universal jurisdiction.' "The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order. "In a speech made at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace on Monday December 3, 2012, the Pope called for the 'construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,' to serve the 'common good of the human family'. "As a means of defending global peace and justice, the pope's vision for the establishment of World Government and a New World Order is supposedly not to create a new superpower, but a new governing body that offers to those (politicians) who are responsible for making decisions, criteria for judgment and practical guidelines. "The pope was quoted as saying: "'The proposed body (World Government) would not be a superpower, concentrated in the hands of a few, which would dominate all peoples, exploiting the weakest.' "The pope also described his vision as a 'moral force' or moral authority that has the 'power to influence in accordance with reason, that is, a participatory authority, limited by law in its jurisdiction.' "These latest remarks made by the Pope and the Catholic Church come as no surprise considering that in 2010 the Catholic Church sought the establishment of a new Central World Bank that would be responsible for regulating the global financial industry and the international money supply. "It was reported that the Vatican sought 'a supranational authority' which would have worldwide scope and 'universal jurisdiction' to guide and control global economic policies and decisions. "China's new push for closer ties with Russia, the growing intrusions from the United Nations with regards to control of the internet and the latest remarks made by the catholic church all point to a new world order that will set in stone a path the world may not be able to recover from." Pope: Don't Take Bible Literally ![]() All scripture is given by inspiration of God. "Can you trust the Bible? Is it, in fact, the inspired Word of God? "The pope recently weighed in on these questions in an 'apostolic exhortation' called Verbum Domini ('The Word of the Lord'), issued on November 11. As cna/ewtn News reported it, this papal message was 'a lofty and impassioned plea for everyone in the church to rediscover the Bible.' "The truth of it is, this was more than an 'impassioned plea' from this pope to his parishioners. It was a direct attack on all who believe the inerrancy of the literal Scriptures as inspired by God! "Pope Benedict 'criticized "fundamentalist" or "literalist" interpretations and urged renewed appreciation for the symbolic and spiritual interpretation techniques used by the ancient fathers of the church' (ibid., emphasis mine). "'An authentic interpretation of the Bible must always be in harmony with the faith of the Catholic Church,' Benedict declared." Terminator Eyes: Hi-tech Contact Lenses Show Texts and Maps ![]() Tech giants such as Google and Apple have been working to develop similar technology. "Imagine texting while driving, or placing a call while showering, without holding your phone in your hands. It's not sci-fi any more -- a new technology allows information like text messages and driving directions to be projected onto a contact lens. "The hardware behind this invention is a spherical curved LCD display that can fit into a contact lens, developed by Ghent University's Centre of Microsystems Technology in Belgium. "'This is not science fiction,' chief researcher for the project Jelle De Smet told the Telegraph. 'This will never replace the cinema screen for films. But for specific applications it may be interesting to show images such as road directions or projecting text messages from our smart phones straight to our eye.'" Click here to read it allWhen Will the World End? - Not before many people are even sicker and less able to think for themselves - those are the easiest to control. Modern Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison," Doctor Says CBS News -- Modern wheat is a 'perfect, chronic poison,' according to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist who has published a book all about the world's most popular grain. "Davis said that the wheat we eat these days isn't the wheat your grandma had: 'It's an 18-inch tall plant created by genetic research in the '60s and '70s,' he said on 'CBS This Morning.' 'This thing has many new features nobody told you about, such as there's a new protein in this thing called gliadin. It's not gluten. I'm not addressing people with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. I'm talking about everybody else because everybody else is susceptible to the gliadin protein that is an opiate. This thing binds into the opiate receptors in your brain and in most people stimulates appetite, such that we consume 440 more calories per day, 365 days per year.' "Asked if the farming industry could change back to the grain it formerly produced, Davis said it could, but it would not be economically feasible because it yields less per acre. However, Davis said a movement has begun with people turning away from wheat -- and dropping substantial weight. "'If three people lost eight pounds, big deal,' he said. 'But we're seeing hundreds of thousands of people losing 30, 80, 150 pounds. Diabetics become no longer diabetic; people with arthritis having dramatic relief. People losing leg swelling, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and on and on every day.' "To avoid these wheat-oriented products, Davis suggests eating "real food," such as avocados, olives, olive oil, meats, and vegetables. '(It's) the stuff that is least likely to have been changed by agribusiness,' he said. 'Certainly not grains. When I say grains, of course, over 90 percent of all grains we eat will be wheat, it's not barley . . . or flax. It's going to be wheat.' "'It's really a wheat issue.'" Click here to read it all and watch interesting 5-min video.When Will the World End? - Not before the coming war between the west and Islam. Iranians Prepare Terror Campaign Inside U.S. ![]() It's the Guards' intelligence office that runs financing, recruiting and other strategies through Islamic centers and mosques, including some in New York and Ohio. "Iran's Revolutionary Guard is alive and well in the U.S. and the country's law enforcement officials ignore them at their peril, according to former U. S. Air Force officer Steven O'Hern. "O'Hern says that the Revolutionary Guard, long an influential factor in the radical Islamic regime in Iran, does most of its surveillance and intelligence gathering through its proxy force, Hezbollah, considered by many to be a terror group. "'In the United States, the Revolutionary Guard uses more than one approach. Hezbollah operatives and sympathizers are present in large numbers in many parts of the United States and actively conduct reconnaissance missions that develop information, photographs, and diagrams of federal buildings, and infrastructure targets,' O'Hern said. "'Those targets include such things as water utilities or electrical substations, and other potential targets to give the Guard the ability to quickly order a terrorist strike in our homeland,' O'Hern said. "He explains that the Revolutionary Guard is working through Shi'a mosques around the United States as well as the nation's Lebanese immigrant communities." Click here to read it all"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28) If prophecy of the end of the world is of interest to you and you would like to receive this monthly newsletter containing articles of interest and relevance to prophetic events, please respond using the form below: |
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The Greek has multiple words for forgiveness? God forgives (charizomai) whether we ask or not. Receiving forgiveness (apheimi) is by our choice.
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