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Why Create Lucifer?
by Bill Dawson
I've been pondering this question for quite awhile now: * How can one predict the future (as God clearly does) without knowing everyone's future thoughts and decisions?If you know all things (that are things, that have happened) and have an IQ in the zillions it is not hard to make some very-detailed predictions. Even we can reason from cause to effect sometimes quite accurately. Also, God, having the power He does in so many ways, can work to bring things to pass according to His plan. Here is the really knew thought, the one that can really effect our evaluation of God. If God does not know the future in every detail, the outcome of every possible situation, then He wouldn't have known for sure that the mission of His Son to planet earth to bring about the plan of salvation would be a success. Jesus was tempted - the Bible is clear on that. Temptation is not temptation if there is no possibility of failure, of making the wrong choice. Had Jesus sinned (its hard to even imagine the implications) the plan to save mankind would have failed. Would Satan then have had permanent control of planet earth? Would Jesus have been raised from the tomb? Would the Godhead have broken up? It's far beyond me to understand that. But here is where God still looks good, perhaps even better. He loves the human race, you and I, fallen, wretched mortals, so much He was willing to take the risk of eternal loss; the risk that His only-begotten Son might have failed in His mission. Young couples take a risk when they bring children into the world. They do it out of love, they hope for a good result but always there is the risk of some genetic disease, of some severe deformity, even of the child maturing and turning out really bad, even of turning against the parents. Jesus Himself, the Son of God, Who, with His Father, created the vast universe, was willing to take the risk of being blotted out of existence in order to undertake the rescue mission. Now that is self-sacrificing love! "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)So why create Lucifer or anyone else for that matter? God is love, selfless, agape, always-put-others-first love. He created angels and other intelligent beings so that He could bless others. I have said a number of times to our little group that meets each week: "God's ultimate goal is to make as many people as possible as happy as possible for as long as possible." We ask "why so much suffering in the world?" Not to diminish that but several billion people for just a few thousand years is a pretty small part of the big picture. Even science now is telling us that there are possibly a hundred billion galaxies with 100 - 200 billions stars in each with the possibility of a very, very great many inhabited planets. There could be billions of people on many of those planets living for eternity. God did not want to create mere robots who could do nothing but love Him. He actually created us with the capacity to not love Him, to choose to go another way. Love is only love when there is another option. We were not designed to sin but we were designed with free wills which opens up the possibility of sin. Unfortunately, one being - and it seems perhaps the highest created being in the universe - choose that route. See my page about Jesus character for thoughts on why sin has been allowed to continue - there is a logical reason. However, it will come to an end. So that is how I understand the subject. Remember that, to a degree, I am speculating on the nature of the God of the universe. In reality, He is far beyond my comprehension. I would be interested to hear your thoughts or anyone else's. A deep subject indeed.
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The Greek has multiple words for forgiveness? God forgives (charizomai) whether we ask or not. Receiving forgiveness (apheimi) is by our choice.
God always forgives!